This is FranchiseShow247’s monthly round-up. Take a look at some of the industry insights that were shared on our platform over the last month. We have hand-picked some of the highlights. For a full look at what is going on… explore the blog and seminar room.

Top posts for this month

1. Written by Lime Licensing Group  – A part-time franchise for additional income

Maybe some of you reading this are under increased pressure financially and looking at options to generate additional revenue, options might be limited if you are already working part or full-time, with family constraints too, there is a lot that can get in the way isn’t there! 

2. Written by VirtualExpo247 – 5 tips for more sustainable marketing 

Sustainability has become an increasingly important topic in recent years, and it’s no different in the world of marketing. Consumers are demanding environmentally-friendly products and services, and companies are responding by making changes to their operations and marketing practices. Here are five tips to help you make your marketing more sustainable..

3. Coffeechat in 15 with Aspray – Project Management Franchise – What You Need To Know

Katie Bateman in conversation with James Whittle, Managing Director at Aspray Limited. They discuss their project management franchise and what you need to know about to get started.

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