With so many franchise opportunities on offer, just how can you make your business stand out amongst the crowd?
According to the British Franchise Association, the number of franchises in the UK marketplace currently sits at over 48,000, an increase of 10% from 2015. This figure is driven by over 1,000 different types of franchisors, ranging from coffee companies to cleaning services.
If you’re a franchisor, how can you make yourself known in this crowded arena? The current marketing opportunities can often be expensive, potentially restricting the amount of exposure you can get and therefore the amount of interest in your franchise. In addition, the cost of attending traditional exhibitions to attract new franchisees, including potential prospects who are just exploring opportunities, is prohibitive, and often, those with the financial backing to be able to afford a larger presence at an exhibition are the ones that gain the most attention while the smaller companies have a much harder time presenting their offerings. In addition, if you’re in the market for a new franchise opportunity, how can you keep track of the hundreds of different options available to you, and where can you find impartial advice about logistics, finance and more?
We think we’ve found the solution, a one-stop exhibition space where franchisors and potential franchisees can discover everything they need to make an informed decision about the direction they want to take their business in. We’ve created a unique Exhibition Hall for franchisors to showcase their businesses, as well as a space for blogs and seminars on everything from getting finance for your franchise, getting your small business registered and how to market it to potential customers.
FranchiseShow247 is powered by CEO and Founder of VirtualExpo247 Bob Rehill. For over twenty years, Bob has built a reputation as an independent consultant in the HR space, but before that, he set up and ran a number of successful small businesses, including selling golf accessories, window cleaning and also domestic house cleaning. His interest is always in helping small businesses find the right solution for their needs, and this unique experience, coupled with his reputation for independence, gives FranchiseShow247 an edge which is impossible to replicate.
We’d love for you to take a look around and let us know what you think.
Bob Rehill is the Founder and CEO of VirtualExpo247. You can contact him via his LinkedIn Profile.