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If you have been asking yourself ‘how can I franchise my business?’ or ‘where do I start with franchising?’, we can help.

Ashtons Franchise Consulting (AFC) hold regular free-to-attend ‘How to Successfully Franchise Your Business’ seminars, providing an informal interactive introduction to growing your business by franchising.

Having helped many clients grow and become widely recognised established and successful franchise businesses, we would like to offer you the opportunity to learn from the professionals…. our testimonials below highlight this.

Our free ‘How to Successfully Franchise Your Business’ seminars are delivered by AFC/British Franchise Association (bfa) affiliated Franchise Consultants, who provide valuable advice and guidance, based on decades of franchising experience.

The seminar includes a dedicated module on the legal aspects led by a seasoned franchise lawyer from Ashtons Legal.

Who Should Attend?

Our seminars are ideal for anyone considering franchising their business, whatever stage of the decision-making process you are in. Following our seminar, you will be in a strong position to assess whether franchising is the best route for expanding your business.

What Do We Cover?

  • How to franchise your business, including costs
  • An overview of the franchising process, with timelines
  • Understanding the Franchise Development Business Plan
  • Laws related to franchising
  • Key areas of a business format franchise
  • A chance to assess your business for franchising
  • The benefits of franchising and the challenges
  • Infrastructure requirements of new franchisees
  • Case studies and real-time experience.

Plus much more…

You will receive a complimentary information pack, which includes the latest edition of Business Franchise Magazine, a copy of the slide presentation and a ‘Guide to bfa Membership’. Delegates will also receive a free digital ‘Guide to Franchising Your Business’, a dedicated contact for future enquiries, and subsequent introductions to Heads of Franchising of leading banks and franchise specialist providers as needed at your stage of development.

One-To-One Meetings

There is an opportunity to have a one-to-one meeting with our leading industry professionals directly after the seminar. We can provide you with impartial and professional advice on how to franchise your business, as a result of our combined years of national and international experience within the franchise sector. Please request a slot following the seminar upon booking.

In response to the current climate, our seminars are not being held in a physical location at the moment. Instead, we are holding our masterclasses via Zoom.

Book Your Virtual Seat Today!

Places are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. To qualify you must be the owner of a business that is considering expansion by franchising or a franchisor wanting to revisit your franchise strategy for more effective expansion.

To book your seat at one of our ‘How to Successfully Franchise Your Business’ seminars email enquiry@ashtonsfranchise.com or complete our online enquiry form.


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